BC Segurança
BC Segurança
BC Segurança is a company specialized in the distribution of electronic security solutions.

BC Segurança has as a mission to bring to market, practical solutions and excellent quality so that our professionals can ensure customer satisfaction, and this criterion, the basis of our work and business success.


We have a qualified professional team, who is always willing to meet your needs. We intended to create increase in competitiveness and boost economic growth of our partner organizations.

Quality of our products, quality services and continuous monitoring of our customers
Proof of the importance we place on the quality of our products, quality services and continuous monitoring of our customers, is the concern that we have to keep them updated, always abreast of the latest news and technologies, offering them the opportunity to witness journeys continuous training so they can walk "side by side" with technology.
WE ARE THE MAIN partner to provide advisory and consulting services to companies and institutions